Lab News
Dec 15, 2018: Wenxi An graduated Penn State with an honor, Magna Cum Laude, for top 6% of her graduation class in the College of Science. Congratulations!
Sept 20, 2018: A paper reporting the mechanism of action of kanglemycin A, a naturally occurring antibiotic active against drug-resistant tuberculosis, is published in Molecular Cell.
February 22, 2018: A paper reporting the crystal structure of E. coli RNA polymerase and DksA/ppGpp complex is published in Molecular Cell.
November 09, 2017: Yeonoh Shin will give a seminar (12:05 pm, 107 Wartik Laboratory) “Structural and Biochemical Studies of Bacterial RNA Polymerase Engaged in Reiterative Transcription during Transcript Initiation at pyrG and pyrBI Promoters”
October 26, 2017: Catherine Sutherland will give a seminar (12:05 pm, 107 Wartik Laboratory) “Rifampicin Resistance in Mycobacterium tuberculosis: Investigating Fitness Cost and Subsequent Compensation”
October 16, 2017: Our study, the crystal structure of reiterative transcription complex, is featured on CHESS website.
June 26/2017: A paper reporting the crystal structure of reiterative transcription complex is published in PNAS. Congratulations Yeonoh and Vadim! More…
June 25-30/2017: Vadim, Zuhaib, Anoop, Catherine, Yeonoh and Katsu attended and presented their works at the FASEB summer research conference “Mechanism and Regulation of Prokaryotic Transcription” at Saxtons River, Vermont. More…